The EEG Eye Blink based control system consists of Arduino UNO, HC-05 BLE module, LED, Mindwave Mobile 2, 12V battery supply, Motor driver L298N to drive the robot car. The headset is connected to the computer and Matlab code is run to obtain the raw EEG values from the headset. The Neurosky Mindwave Mobile 2 has its own think-gear libraries which work in parallel with the Neurosky Technology Interprets to provide the dataset values.We were able to obtain 12 different datasets from the mindwave device (Delta, Theta, Alpha1, Alpha2, Gamma1, Gamma2, Beta1, Beta2, Attention Level, Meditation Level, Eye Blink Level, Total Power).The data collected is then plotted and observed. Now to control the robot car connect the HC-05 to the headset. The headset is powered using two 1.5V AAA batteries. The robot car and the Arduino is powered by the 12V & 5V supply. When the Bluetooth connection is established between headset and HC-05, depending on the values of eyeblink the robot car moves forward, backward, right & left. An emergency stop is also included in the system for security purposes. We have incorporated an LED which will glow for every eyeblink signal, to show that we can control different applications at the same time.


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