The main purpose of this system is to control different systems with the blink of an eye. Some important steps involved in our project will be to display the attention level of a person through the LED. Also, we are planning to light up LEDs with a blink of an eye. we also have a robot which can be used as a wheelchair for disabled. This project is intended to connect the Arduino board with the MindWave Mobile. In this, we will use an HC-05 Bluetooth Module for communicating with the MindWave Mobile and Arduino. The output of the Mindwave mobile can then be used to control the LED to light up and the robot to move. The concept of EEG data collected through the blink of the eye attracted us to choose this project. Acquiring the EEG data and eSense values from the data stream and finally, the LED and robot car is controlled through Eye blink of Mindwave device. The Mindwave device needs calibration to detect the eye blink values in EEG data. After calibration, LED becomes high initially, and then it will blink with respect to our Eye blink levels. And then also depending on your attention level the LED will turn on and off.

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